What is the Solstice?
Ancient astronomers once believed that twice a year the sun appeared to stand still for a day. They called this the Solstice which comes from the Latin words “sol” meaning sun and “sistere” meaning to make stand.
During the winter Solstice, lighting a fire or a candle often symbolizes the return of light and warmth from the sun. For thousands of years, people all over the world have celebrated and honored the Solstice as a way of respecting the Earth, celebrating nature, bestowing blessings, and expressing hope for a good year ahead. We have maintained these traditions at SOLSTICE, and we invite you to join us as we celebrate this annual event.
This year, we have invited Deirdre Pulgram Arthen, Executive Director of EarthSpirit Community and a certified Death Midwife, to speak to the cultural and social practices of the Solstice. We have also featured Bree Harvey, Mount Auburn’s VP of Cemetery & Visitor Services, to speak to the Cemetery’s history of celebrating the Solstice, and Sam Okerstrom-Lang, SOLSTICE Creative Director and MASARY co-founder, to speak to an artist’s perspective of this annual tradition.
Videos of Danielle and Deidre will be available in November 2024.
What does the Solstice mean to you?
Each year we invite members of the community to speak about their connection to Mount Auburn, their experience with the Solstice, with grief and loss, and/or the meaningful work they do.
Winter Solstice Message
Solstice Artist Message
Reflections on the Winter Solstice
Ricardo Austrich - Landscape Architect (2023)
Mwalim (MP Peters) – Musician, Storyteller, & Educator (2023)
Karin Sprague - Monument Designer (2023)
Deb Tod Wheeler - Multimedia Artist & Certified Deep Listening Practitioner (2023)
Alex Klein - Herbalist (2022)
Sara Seager - Astrophysicist (2022)
Amanda Shea – Poet & Artist (2022)
Peter DiMuro - Artistic Director at Public Displays of Motion (2021)
Tai Jimenez – Dancer & Writer (2021)
Megan Marshall - Biographer (2021)
Roberto Mighty – Filmmaker & Multimedia Artist (2021)
David Morimoto - Professor of Natural Science & Mathematics at Lesley University (2021)
Ruth Thomasian - Founder & President of Project SAVE at the Armenian Photograph Archives (2021)
“We Remember Them”
Between 1992 and 2019 Mount Auburn’s annual Solstice gathering, formerly known as the Candle Lighting Ceremony, featured invited speakers, live music, and a group recitation of the poem “We Remember Them” by Sylvan Kamens and Rabbi Jack Riemer. To honor that tradition, each year we share the poem with the community by inviting different Mount Auburn Cemetery staff members to do the recitation.
2024 Readers
Virginia Brady, Docent
Kristin Follet, Horticulturist
Niomy Reynoso, Custodian & Facilities Assistant
We Remember Them
[Español] We Remember Them
2023 Poem Readers
Al Parker, Event Operations Supervisor
Bethany Rykhus, Crematory Manager
Meg Winslow, Curator of Historical Collections & Archives
2022 Reader
Regina Harrison, Director of Sales
(Poem readers, begins at 10:40)
2021 Reader
Bree Harvey, VP of Cemetery & Visitor Services
(Poem reader, begins at 16:44)